The second film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is "The Two Towers". It leaves on from where the first movie ended and follows the Fellowship as they embark on their seperate journeys: Frodo and Sam are travelling to Mordor, Merry and Pippin stumble into Fangorn Forest and meet an Ent, and Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli (with the help of the reincarnated Gandalf) travel to Edoras to meet with King Theoden.
I think the seperate storylines really make this film work. Personally, I love the Aragorn/Gandalf/Theoden one best, as they take part in the battle of Helm's Deep... probably one of the best battle scenes ever seen on film. That's not to say that I don't enjoy the others. Merry and Pippin provide the comedy value (although their plot is probably the weakest as I'm not a huge fan of Treebeard.. he just seems to be a bit of a pointless character in my opinion), and Frodo and Sam's storyline introduces Gollum.
Andy Serkis is just superb as Gollum. It's quite amazing how they have created the character. The facial expressions and movements just fit perfectly with Serkis' voice. Wonderful.
Overall, I think The Two Towers is probably the weakest of the trilogy, but that's not to say it's a bad film, because it's anything but. It truly is a wonderful piece of filmmaking. Definitely up there as one of the greatest ever made. If one tree is all I have to complain about with this film, then I'd say that's pretty good going.
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