I've always enjoyed watching spoofs. They're usually quite funny and not meant to be taken seriously.
I enjoy horror movies and if you sit down and think about it, they're full of cliches. The girl running for her life while the killer casually walks behind them, still able to catch them up... Girls always fall whilst running... Victims always run UP the stairs... you get the picture.
Scary Movie is basically taking the piss out of teen horror movies and uses gazillions of movie cliches. And I think it works. One of my favourite parts in the movie is right at the beginning when "Drew" has to choose a weapon from a grenade, gun, knife or banana. Of course, she picks the banana. Stupid, I know, but quite funny.
The acting's... okay I guess, but I don't think it really matters in a film like this. It's not meant to be brilliant.
If you've never seen Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer then you may not get it, as the plotline basically revolves around these two movies, but if you have then you'll probably think it's funny.
It's funny but pretty shitty at the same time. It's good if you're wanting nothing more than a chuckle lol.
I do love the bit where Doofy throws the ice at Cindy though :P
Doofy... Lol. :D
Heehee :D
Or "I guess it's been a while."
Ah yes. Miss Mann. Why is it all female gym teachers are a bit manly? Lol. :P
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