I wasn't sure what to expect from this film, to be honest. My sister used to have it on video years and years ago, but I never watched it. I guess I just saw it as one of those silly remakes that didn't really need to be remade!
I haven't seen the original with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, so I can't compare the two.
It's not a bad film. The acting is okay. Brendan Fraser is actually quite good in it, but how Elizabeth Hurley keeps getting acting roles, I'll never know. Yes, she is pretty, but that's about it. Her acting is wooden, and seeing as how she is playing the Devil, I thought her character would be a bit more... well, evil really. Telling schoolkids that they don't have to do any homework and to play loads of video games isn't my idea of "evil".
There are some amusing parts too, especially the parts where Fraser's character gets his wishes from the Devil, but with consequences. I enjoyed the scene in which Eliott is TOO sensitive.
Overall, it's a reasonably enjoyable film, which should get a few laughs out of you.
Liz Hurley is just as mediocre in Austin Powers! Heehee.
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